Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cullination Royalty: Mystery Part 2

Out of the guesses that I have seen so far, it seems that no one knows yet to who the mystery character is!  Presenting....part 2 of said Mystery Character!

Part 2: Why should you love him?

There are many very successful series' that Nintendo has to offer.  There is Mario, Starfox, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Donkey Kong.  This mystery character is in one of these very successful series'.  In fact, most will probably say that this character was in the most popular franchise Nintendo has!  

What you could really love about this mystery character is that he was in a very successful game and he was only a character featured once.  In that short time, he or she left a huge impression!  Players almost instantly fell in love with this character!  It is almost a crime to see this character not used as often as he or she should be!

You should love this character because of their abilities.  This character is part of a race that is very popular in this very respected game.  Though this race isn't in every game, they are in most.  Though, every time they are a sight to behold!

Know who it is yet?  Let us know in the comment section below and come back on Friday when the mystery character will be revealed!

Have a suggestion for royalty?  Email me at shawn@cullination.net


  1. I think its a Goron, the one in Majora Mask. he died and you take control of him but only in that game and gorons are in most Zelda games. Whatcha think cullination??
