Friday, May 25, 2012

Cullination Royalty: Cyrus Part 3



In the games Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Cyrus and team Galactic attempts to destroy the universe in order to create a perfect world. I mentioned in the first two segments this week that none of the other Pokemon criminal syndicates could even come close in terms of their plots or their execution. Wouldn't it be an AWESOME game if the player could control and command Cyrus and Team Galactic in a battle for supremacy among the other criminals in the Pokemon universe? We think so.


The player would be in control of Cyrus during the game they want to control. Then, similar to other Pokemon games, an adventure would ensue, and the player would have to thwart the enemy teams' plans along the way (such as Team Magma, Aqua, and Rocket). 

Cyrus would have to give orders to his minions, raise his own Pokemon, and eventually battle the other leaders, Giovanni, Archie, and Maxie. Perhaps even gym battles could be involved, so that Cyrus can take control of entire regions at a time.

The other criminal teams would not stand for this, however, and have their own plots to conquer the world. Team Magma wants to once again reawaken Groudon to shower the land in volcanic ash, while Team Aqua wants to flood the land with Kyogre's unrelenting rain. Team Rocket seeks to monopolize the world's economy and take over with Giovanni as the supreme dictator. Cyrus, of course, wants not only to thwart their plans, but to awaken the legendary dragons to remove the "evil" from the world.

 Along the way of Cyrus' journey, the player will have to capture the legendary Pokemon of the lakes (while temporarily controlling Team Galactic Admins like in the storyline of Diamond and Pearl) and even raid the hideouts of the rival teams.

Towards the end of the game, after defeating all of the other teams' bosses, they would each awaken their respective legendary Pokemon. The player would then have to go on a side quest to awaken their own legendary in order to do battle. After having defeated all of the other criminal syndicates, your team Galactic would have the ultimate power to create your coveted new world!

After being barely defeated the first time (by the player in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), Cyrus is determined, and will finally unleash the true power his character holds. Never again will he be doubted, underestimated, or taken for granted. Cyrus reigns surpeme.

Shawn will be taking the reigns back on his masterpiece for next week. I have really enjoyed this experience being Shawn for a week and authoring the Royalty segment. It has been a lot of fun, and I actually learned quite a bit. Hope everyone enjoyed my take on Royalty this week!

Well everyone, that does it for Cyrus' week of Royalty! Check back on Sunday for the start of Week 6 and the unveiling of who will take the Cullination Crown next!

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